Dietz Associates, Inc., offers a wide array of investigative services to law firms, insurance companies, individuals, private organizations and corporations throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, and statewide.
Services include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Statements / Declarations
Photo Documentation
Subject Location
Litigation Support
Trial Preparation & Support
Background Checks/Research
Corporate Theft
Case Handling
Each case is reviewed immediately upon intake, and all relevant information is organized. We review the objectives for the case and create an action plan. All case documentation remains in our secure facilities – until needed.
We customize our programs and reports to your precise needs. Fast, clear, and easy-to-read reports are prepared in chronological order, then summarized for quick reference. Case updates are made after each pivotal discovery. You decide how long the case proceeds. Our programs will integrate with your process.
Evidence gathered during the investigation is clearly noted in your report, and then held at our facilities until it is requested or subpoenaed. A chain-of-evidence report tracks all of our files. Each of our professional investigators is ready to provide testimony, and client instructions are followed to the letter.
CA PI # 14351
CA PPO # 16739
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